Once upon a time there were three billy goats. They spent most of their time eating delicious green grass on the hillside.
One day, they noticed the grass on their side of the river was not as green as the grass on the other side, so they went to cross the bridge to enjoy more grass for lunch.
Little did they know, under the bridge lived a great, ugly troll. He had sharp, sharp teeth and long, long arms and a great big belly. He was feeling just as hungry as the goats that day, but he never quite knew what healthy food was good for him. So instead, the troll always ate his favorite troll junkfood, pizza, and stayed hidden under the bridge.
The youngest of the three billy goats gruff was first to cross the bridge. Trip-trap-trip-trap over the bridge he went. "Who's that trip-trapping over my bridge?" yelled the troll. "Oh, it is only I, the tiniest Billy Goat Gruff. I am going up to the hillside to have some delicious green grass." said the billy goat in a small voice.
"Well," said the troll. "I don't like goats tripping and trapping over my bridge. You must pay a toll! Today the toll is: I'm going to gobble you up!" "Oh no," said the youngest goat. "Don't eat me, I'm too little for a big hungry troll like you. Wait until my big brother comes along, he's much bigger."
"Well," said the troll. "OK then, be off with you!" So, the tiniest goat trip-trapped over the bridge up to the grassy hill.
A little while later came the second Billy Goat Gruff to cross the bridge. Trip-trap-trip-trap over the bridge he went. "Who's that trip-trapping over my bridge?" called the troll. "It is I, the second Billy Goat Gruff, and I am going up to the hillside to have some healthy green grass." said the billy goat in not such a small voice.
"Healthy green grass?" humphed the troll. "I don't like healthy goats trip-trapping over my bridge. You must pay me a toll! Today the toll is: I'm going to gobble you up!" "Oh no don't take me!" cried the second billy goat. "Wait a little until my big sister comes over, she's much bigger."
"Very well," said the troll. "Be off with you!" So, the second Billy Goat Gruff trip-trapped over the bridge up to the grassy hill.
Now the troll was feeling hungrier still. He could see the two billy goats enjoying the yummy green grass and he began to think he could be hungry for grass too. He had never eaten anything like green grass or healthy vegetables before, and he had certainly never been invited to share grass with any other animal.
Just then came the biggest Billy Goat Gruff. TRIP-TRAP-TRIP-TRAP over the bridge she stomped. The bridge creaked under her heavy feet and the troll began to feel scared. "Who's that trip-trapping over my bridge?" squeaked the troll.
"It is I, the biggest of the three Billy Goats Gruff," she said in her biggest loudest voice. The troll peered up at the big billy goat."Well, I don't like big billy goats trip-trapping over my bridge! You must pay me a toll! Today the toll is: I'm going to gobble you up!"
The biggest billy goat looked at the troll with his sharp sharp teeth, long, long arms and great big belly, and she was not scared. Instead she said, "My troll, you look like you need some healthy foods in your belly! Don't eat me, you should come and eat some yummy green grass instead!!"
The troll's mean face softened, and a small smile came across his sharp sharp teeth. "No one has ever invited me to enjoy healthy foods before, I'd be happy to try some green grass with you!" "Great," said the biggest billy goat. "Come and share the grass with us and your belly will feel much better."
So the big billy goat and the great ugly troll went over the bridge together. The brother goats were scared at first, but when the biggest billy goat sister showed them how the healthy green grass was good for the troll, they all were able to share the hill together.
After that day, the troll learned that healthy green grass helped him feel better. He moved out from under the bridge into the sunlight and onto the grassy hill beside his bridge. He always made sure to have healthy foods to eat and he lived a long happy life thanks to the goats.